The Money CHIC with Shari Blog

Creating Financial End Stories that Matter.

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What Should Stay at Home Moms do with old 401k?

What should Stay at Home Moms do with old 401ks?Stay at Home Moms are in a unique spot, financially. They are not “earning” a paycheck, but they contributed financially to their household in the past and are now contributing to their household in a different way.

What is a Stay at Home Mom's Salary?

As a Financial Advisor for young families my goal is to relieve the burden of managing finances, so they can live the life they want. As a female financial advisor, I want to empower all women when it comes to their finances, whether they work inside or outside of the home.

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3 Mistakes Parents Make When Teaching Their Kids About Money

Millennials are different from the generations before us in a few ways. For one, millennials are more highly educated than older generations, but earn less, have fewer assets and have less wealth than Boomers and Gen Xers at the same age. If we go a few generations back, only 26% of Baby Boomers faced financial instability.
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