Retirement Financial Planning & Wealth Management

Secure Tomorrows, Today

Let’s pave the way for achieving financial security, independence and a comfortable retirement lifestyle.

Retirement Financial Advice

Crafting Your Financial Legacy

Learn how we can help you grow your wealth and accelerate the process through effective financial strategies focused on your 
personal finances and goals.

Expert Guidance for Secure Futures

Receive insightful advice from seasoned financial experts who specialize in retirement planning. Our guidance ensures you're well-prepared to enjoy your retirement years with financial peace of mind.

Personalized Roadmaps

Recognizing that everyone's retirement goals are unique, we tailor our advice to your specific aspirations. We will collaborate with you to create a personalized roadmap that aligns with your dreams.

Income Stream Planning

We will assist you in creating a strategy to generate a consistent income stream during retirement, ensuring your financial needs are met without outliving your savings.

Retirement Investment Advice & Management

Tomorrow's Comfort, Today's Strategy

Tailored Investment Strategy

Receive retirement investment planning support on customizing an investment strategy based on your risk tolerance, financial goals and timeline for retirement, ensuring your portfolio aligns with your specific needs.


Create a diversified investment portfolio to spread risk across different asset classes, industries and geographic regions, potentially enhancing returns while minimizing potential losses.

Active Monitoring

We will regularly monitor your portfolio's performance and adjust it as needed to align with market changes, economic conditions and your evolving goals.

Why Greenway Wealth Advisory?

We are an experienced team of financial advisors. But what’s more important is that we really believe in talking about money in a simple, non-complicated manner and making sure we create a financial plan that works for you immediately.

We Help Build & Distribute Wealth

Our key areas of specialty are helping millennials build wealth and retirees distribute wealth following our tried and tested methodology.

Transparent Fee Structure

Experience financial clarity with our transparent fee-based approach. You can trust that our recommendations are driven by your goals, not by any hidden incentives.


We act in your best interest, plain and simple. Full transparency and no small print.

How Do You Want to Work?

In-Person Sessions

We are located in Charleston and Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. Let’s meet!

Virtual Sessions

Enjoy all the benefits of our services remotely. Let’s talk!

Start Building Your Next Chapter!

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From the GWA Blog

Explore a Wealth of Tips, Trends and Strategies

What Should Stay at Home Moms do with old 401k?
What should Stay at Home Moms do with old 401ks?Stay at Home Moms are in a unique spot, financially. They are not “earning” a paycheck, but they contributed financially to their household in the past and are now contributing to their household in a different way.
What is a Stay at Home Mom's Salary?
As a Financial Advisor for young families my goal is to relieve the burden of managing finances, so they can live the life they want. As a female financial advisor, I want to empower all women when it comes to their finances, whether they work inside or outside of the home.
What Should Stay at Home Moms do with old 401k?
What should Stay at Home Moms do with old 401ks?Stay at Home Moms are in a unique spot, financially. They are not “earning” a paycheck, but they contributed financially to their household in the past and are now contributing to their household in a different way.
What is a Stay at Home Mom's Salary?
As a Financial Advisor for young families my goal is to relieve the burden of managing finances, so they can live the life they want. As a female financial advisor, I want to empower all women when it comes to their finances, whether they work inside or outside of the home.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is retirement financial planning important?

Financial advisor retirement planning services ensure you have the financial security to enjoy your golden years. It involves creating strategies to save, invest, and manage your wealth to sustain your desired lifestyle after you stop working.

When should I start planning for my retirement?

It's never too early to start. The earlier you begin, the more time you have to leverage the power of compounding and build a substantial retirement nest egg.

What does retirement financial planning encompass?

Retiree financial planning includes setting retirement goals, estimating future expenses, creating investment strategies, considering tax implications, and developing a comprehensive retirement income plan.

How can your services help me achieve a comfortable retirement?

Our financial advice for retirement planning involve assessing your current financial situation, designing a tailored retirement plan, managing investments, and optimizing tax strategies to ensure you have sufficient funds to retire with confidence.

What factors should I consider when estimating my retirement expenses?

We help you consider factors such as healthcare costs, inflation, potential travel or leisure expenses, and any unique lifestyle choices you envision during retirement.

What is the role of investment management in retirement planning?

Investment management focuses on building a diversified portfolio that aligns with your risk tolerance and retirement goals. Properly managed investments contribute to a sustainable retirement income.

How can I ensure my retirement savings last throughout my lifetime?

Our services incorporate retirement income planning, which involves structuring withdrawals from your savings to ensure they last throughout your retirement, accounting for market fluctuations and inflation.

Can you help with Social Security and pension optimization?

Yes, we analyze your Social Security options and pension benefits to maximize your retirement income. These decisions can significantly impact your financial security during retirement.

What role does tax planning play in retirement financial planning?

Tax planning helps minimize tax liabilities in retirement. We develop strategies to optimize tax-efficient withdrawal strategies and explore investment options with favorable tax treatment.

Can a financial advisor and planner retirement specialist assist with creating a strategy to leave a legacy for my loved ones?

Yes, as financial advisors for retirement planning, we can help you establish an estate plan that outlines how your assets will be distributed to beneficiaries, minimizing tax implications and ensuring your wishes are carried out.

How can I get started with your retirement financial planning and wealth management services?

To begin, just schedule a FREE call. This consultation will help us create a personalized plan tailored to your needs.